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Introducing our Expert - Atri Wilson

Atri Wilson is our "go to" lady for everything nutrition. We rely on Atri to help formulate new lines, advise on ingredients, consult customers on specific ailments and offer invaluable insight into the world of Probiotics and other Physis Nutritional Supplements.


Atri is unique in that she has a foot in both the Medical and the Health camps - initially as a Pharmacist and then going on to investigate the complementary health market.


Her qualifications include:


- Diploma in Nutrition (Thames University, UK)

- Diploma in Homeopathy (British Inst. of Homeopathy) 

- Functional Medicine Practitioner.

- Iridologist (Felke Institute Germany)

- Sclerology (institute of Sclerology, Austin, Texas) 

- Master Sclerologist (Grand Medicine, Las Vegas)


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Her experience ranges from Radio presentations on Common Ailments, Specific Conditions, Seasonal Topics and Dedicated Awareness to CEO of Bioforce South Africa to Chairman of the Natal Branch Retail Pharmacy Association. 


Now living in South Africa, Atri offers a number of distance Physis Customer engagement programs.










Iridology is the analysis of the colour and structure of the eye and sclerology is the interpretation of the red lines in the white of the eye.


Iridology is a diagnostic tool which is used to identify the source of disease within a patient; the process involves careful charting and interpretation of 

the various structures, colours and features seen within the iris (the coloured part of the eye).  The science of iridology is based on hundreds of years of careful observation and documentation of iris signs which have been verified using modern technology and scientific research. Iridology is practised extensively across Europe and Australia by Homeopaths, Naturopaths and other complementary practitioners.


A detailed iris assessment by an experienced iridologist allows for the recognition of structural and functional organ weaknesses, these signs are often visible long before the onset of actual disease allowing for early intervention and disease prevention.


An iridology assessment may also provide the practitioner with insight into the true underlying cause of a disease process and in doing so a suitable cure and treatment plan can be determined.

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Get in touch with Atri today to find out how she can help you or request a quote for a private consultation on a subject of your choosing.














* All consultations are provided on a private one-to-one basis between Atri Wilson and Customer

* Physis do not charge any fee for introductions made between consultant and Customer

Weight Management

Working From The Inside To Create The Healthy Outside


For many years people struggling with weight issues were simply put together in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ category. Then they were given a diet plan; those who lost weight were thought to have ‘strong willpower’ and those who didn’t −it was assumed they cheated.


However, research has shown repeatedly that weight gain is not simply eating too much. Weight gain can be caused by stress, toxins, menopause and many other INTERNAL reasons. Furthermore, recent studies have also revealed that the shape of your body may also be indicators of INTERNAL conditions.

So, in order to lose weight it makes sense that before starting any diet plans or exercise routines you need to work from the ‘inside out’.


Atri offers a very individualised programme based on an assessment and the ‘shape of your weight’ which indicate what is going on "inside" your body.





The Adrenal Shape

Our adrenal glands sit on the kidneys. Constant stress leads to poor sleep patterns, causing worry, excessive thinking, brain fog, poor memory, and weight gain. Most growth hormone is released at night, and this hormone regulates fat burn. Trying to lose weight can actually cause you to add pounds since conventional diet programs that call for drastically cutting calories and overtraining with exhaustive workouts only further stress your body.



The Thyroid Shape

Your thyroid resides in the front of your lower neck. It makes hormones that control the metabolism in all your cells. Thyroid types tend to get big all over, not in just one place.


The Ovary Shape

For women in childbearing years who are trying to conceive, having over-productive ovaries isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But for others, it can lead to saddlebags and lower stomach pouch.

The Liver Type

Your liver is an organ under your right rib cage that filters toxins and helps digest your food. Liver types typically have thin legs and a protruding belly. These types have a condition called ascites, which is essentially the liver leaking a plasma-like fluid into the sac that sits just above our intestines. In healthy individuals, blood sugar naturally rises in the morning due to hormonal changes, but after fasting overnight, liver types inevitably wake up with low blood sugar.



Sclerology is the art of analysing the red lines in the white of the eye, and often points to areas in the iris that are the most important areas to consider for that patient. It works hand-in-hand with iridology.


Sclerology gives an astonishing amount of information with regard to current client pathology. It also verifies and enhances data from iridology and other evaluation techniques such as reflexology, kinesiology, acupuncture, and meridians. In my opinion, one should always have a second or even a third modality to confirm a diagnosis.


Sclerology shows stress, congestion, imbalance, or energy blockage (disease) in an organ or system in the body. If the body chemistry is imbalanced or deficient in basic nutrition such as amino acids, enzymes or toxic parasites, heavy metals, chemicals, radiation, metabolic waste products, the sclera will register the information via the affected body systems. If the emotions are a cause of stress (grief, resentment, anger, guilt) the sclera will show the effect of the negative state of being in the tissues affected by the altered metabolism. We call it “negative reactive emotion.” Sclerology can also warn the patient of potential pathology BEFORE it manifests as symptoms. (6-24 months).


It shows its signs in natural daylight without the need for tools and expensive equipment. It demonstrates both inherited and developed health dispositions. It reveals pathology that is past, present, and potential.


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